Trademark can be words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colors, sounds, smells, the shape of goods or their packaging, and any combination of the above signs posed. Can be expressed graphically by the tag, it can be registered as trademarks.
Upon registration of your trademark, you can have the exclusive use of the mark for the product or service you provide. If another person in Hong Kong uses the same or similar trademark on their products without your consent, shall be guilty of infringement and you may take legal action. If your trademarks are not registered, it is harder to prove that you are the “owner” of the mark, then the protection you get is limited.
Service Fee:
Register a trademark and one category: HK$800
Government fees:
Register a trademark and one category: HK$2,000
Government Search fees: HK$400
Total: HK$3,200
(Additional category Government fees: HK$1,200 each)
(Additional category Government search fees: HK$300 each)
The whole process takes about six months
1. Company registration certificate (copy)
2. Business Registration (copy)
3. To be registered the trademark logo / text
4. To be registered the trademark category
1. ID card (copy)
2. Mailing Address
3. To be registered the trademark logo / text