Plan A services include: |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
Annual return document for next year |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
Secretarial services for one year |
Registered Office (R1) & Business Address Services (BR) for one year |
Safe Keeping of Registers for one year (SC) |
Total:HK$ 6,050 |
Plan B services include: |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
Annual return document for next year |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
Secretarial services for one year |
Safe Keeping of Registers for one year (SC) |
**Remark: Customer needs to provide its Registered Office + Business Address |
Total:HK$ 5,650 |
Plan C services include: |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
**Important notice** Clients need to provide their own Registers of Directors, Members, Secretaries and Significant Controllers which are required by the Companies Ordinance for our reference. These Registers need to be placed at the Company’s registered address for government personnel’s checking. (If the client needs our help to prepare the Registers, document fees will be HKD 600) |
Total:HK$ 4,950 |
We do offer special discount for any additional order of company chops as listed below: | |
A. Signature chop + 22mm round chop + 3 AA | HK$200 |
B. Signature Chop + 22mm Round Chop + Seal +3 AA | HK$360 |
C. Kit Set: 10 AA copies, Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop, 10 pcs of Share Certificate, Statutory Book & Green Box | HK$550 |
Plan A services include: |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
Annual return document for next year |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
Secretarial services for one year |
Registered Office (R1) & Business Address Services (BR) for one year |
Safe Keeping of Registers for one year (SC) |
Green box set |
Special Statutory Book |
Total:HK$ 6,000 |
Plan B |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
Green box set |
Annual return fee for next year |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
Secretarial services for one year |
Safe Keeping of Registers for one year (SC) |
Special Statutory Book |
**Remark: Customer needs to provide its Registered Office + Business Address |
Total:HK$ 5,600 |
Plan C |
Company Registration fee (CR) |
Business Reg. Fee (BR) |
Green box set |
CPA certified documents for Bank a/c opening (1 set) |
Special Statutory Book |
**Important notice** Clients need to provide their own Registers of Directors, Members, Secretaries and Significant Controllers which are required by the Companies Ordinance for our reference. These Registers need to be placed at the Company’s registered address for government personnel’s checking. (If the client needs our help to prepare the Registers, document fees will be HKD 600) |
Total:HK$ 4,900 |